Metamask: Transferring an NFT via MetaMask

Metamask: Step by Step Guide to Transmission of NFTs via Metamask

While developing your own project that is not bothering (NFT) using a truffle apartment and Ganache, you have probably encountered a normal problem – you can’t send a digital property from your wallet. Don’t worry; This article will take you through the NFT transmission procedure using a metamic.

What is metamask?

Metamask: Transferring an NFT via MetaMask

Metamascus is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store, manage and transfer the crypto currency to Ethereum blockchain. It is important that the metamascus is installed on your computer or mobile device before continuing the transmission procedure.

Why can’t I send NFTs via metamask?

Although you have successfully forged the NFT, there seems to be a problem with sending from your wallet. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Metamask Modnamon built: Metamascus offers a wallet interface that enables users to store and manage their crypto currencies. However, this original wallet may not be able to send NFTS for restriction or mistakes in blockchain.

  • Third-sided money : some third-party wallet wallets, such as myetherwallet or Trust Wallet, offer more advanced features and may have special requirements for the transfer of NFT.

Transmission of NFT -A via Metamascus

To convey NFT using a metamic, follow these detailed instructions:

Step 1: Install a truffle apartment

If you have not yet installed a truffle package, download it from the official website ([] (

Step 2: Connect to your Ethereum node

Open a new terminal or command line and move to your project directory. Then, run:


NPX Link Truffle

Replace theby the name of your project Ethereum (eg, "My-Nft-Protion"). This will connect you to your Ethereum network.

Step 3: Connect to metamascus

In a new terminal or command line, start:

NPX Metamascus -installation

This will start expanding the metamascus browser. You will be requested that the authority of the metamascus to access your wallet.

Step 4: Find the NFT Treaty interface

In the Metamascus browser, go to (ReplaceWith the ETTHEUM ID from the truffle package).

  • If you do not have an infura account, create it by applying for [] (

  • You will see a new window showing the contract interface for your NFT project.

Step 5: Transfer NFT -a

Click the "Mint" or "Create New NFT" button to create a new NFT. If you are already on the "NFTS list" page, you can convey the existing click to his address and select "Send".

  • Copy NFT's address.

  • Return to your project directory to Metamascus.

Step 6: Use a feature of a built -in metamascus wallet

If the metamascus is still unable to send NFT for restriction or mistakes, you can try using the original Ethereum wallet. Do this:

  • Close the extension of the browser metamask.

  • Restart the metamascus by launchingmetamask – -restart` in a new terminal or command line.

Step 7: Transmission of NFT -A via Metamask (again)

Once the metamascus is restarted, you will be able to use his interface for the original NFT transfer wallet from your Ethereum network.

  • Copy NFT’s address address.

  • Return to your project directory in the expansion of a metamascus browser.

Following these steps, you should now be able to convey NFT using metamas and successfully complete the procedure.

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